Interior Landscaping Design
The scheme proposed will offer the best pathway to achieve maximum impact and benefit of planting at the most efficient cost.
It's in our interests to make sure you get more bang for your buck.
What informs design recommendations
....and why design matters
When I worked for a national interior landscaper, it was just a case of get any plant in the cheapest pot to tick the box, clients were ties into long term contracts, the range of planting was very limited and nobody in the workplaces were really bothered about the plants being there or not, in fact in many cases they were thought of as 'in the way' and 'unnecessary'
I worked hard for the company , but it became obvious that with better design, more attention to detail the landscaping could be a much better asset to achieve the benefits that were being claimed.
Our designs use a wide range of large plants , really thinking about the right plant for the right place. We design planters so that they may be different shapes and sizes but the same style and colour to tie them together whilst working with the room space and plant species of choice.
Plant choice is mostly dictated by 5 factors ....
1. Light levels and temperatures
2. Space available
3. Disturbance levels
4. Level of formality the room demands vs getting the creative juices flowing
5. Accessibility (busy meeting rooms present the biggest challenge)
We have to get things right, our clients are not bound by a 3 to 5 year contract, they are free to serve notice if we don't achieve the benefits they hoped for, so the design has to surpass expectations. We do interior landscaping , but we are also make sure we impress and maintain relationships with clients. We don't just add to designs because we have to, we may do it because there's just a chance to improve it.